Why Chief Justice John Roberts might decide the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election

The controversy over mail-in ballots will result in Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts deciding the 2020 presidential election, political commentator Dick Morris said on Sunday.

Speaking on “The Cats Roundtable” radio show on WABC 770 AM in New York hosted by John Catsimatidis, Morris explained that “the blue state governors are mailing out tens of millions of ballots. They’re going to be returned with a vote on them, probably for [Democratic presidential nominee Joe] Biden.”

Morris, who was a political advisor to President Bill Clinton before returning to the Republican Party in 2011, said that on election night, President Donald Trump will appear to have won all the swing states and emerge victorious in a landslide.

But then, Morris contended, “day after day, week after week, you’re going to find another million ballots counted here, another half million there… And gradually these Democratic liberal secretaries of state who are in charge of the election in most of these blue states, will say, ‘We’re sorry. It turns out Biden carried Wisconsin, not Trump.’”

Morris said the next step will be that the Trump campaign will sue, but the suit “will have to be in state court. The state court judges are largely liberal, largely Democrat. And they will [rule] in favor of the state [that] Biden carried it.”

At this stage, the dispute will “probably go up to the federal courts. And the U.S. Supreme Court will eventually make the decision. And then the entire election will be in the hands literally of John Roberts. And we’ll see what he’ll do.”

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