Interesting Bible lesson for kids


In this kids Bible lesson, we use the familiarity and fun of comic heroes along with truths from God’s Word to help kids learn how they can stand firm and be a hero for God!

Kids can use the short, concise Bible lessons on their own or as a short Bible lesson for family worship, children’s church, children’s sermon, devotion etc.

The chosen one

Do you have any idea of who Peter Parker is? What if I told you he was an ordinary, “nerdy” high school kid with problems fitting in just like everyone else?! Still no clue?

What if I told you that Peter got bitten by a radioactive spider and his life was changed?  Oh…now you know?!  Yes, we know him as Spiderman!

Now what happened to Peter Parker was random; it was an accident, and well, he wasn’t really real anyway!  He reminds me of another Peter mentioned in the Bible though who was real.  His name was Simon Peter.  What happened to him was anything but random or an accident…He was chosen!

Simon Peter was an ordinary young guy in the family work of fishing.  He and his brother, Andrew, were out in their boat fishing away one day and catching NOTHING.  Then they met Jesus!

LOOK IT UP:  Find the Gospel of Matthew in your Bible. (Hint: It’s the first book in the New Testament.)  Go to chapter 4 and read verses 18-20.

Jesus chose Simon Peter and 11 other ordinary men to follow Him.  They weren’t rich or super smart or super talented…they were 12 regular guys.   They each had a choice of whether they would follow Jesus or not.  Peter did follow Jesus, and God used him in incredible ways!  Why he was the only one who has walked on water other than Jesus!  Flip over to Matthew 14:23-33 and read it for yourself!

THINK ABOUT:  What caused Peter to start sinking?  What happens when we take our eyes off Jesus?  When are sometimes in your own life you doubt?  Jesus didn’t give up on Peter when he doubted, He reached out and saved Peter!

REMEMBER:  Jesus has chosen you too!  Salvation is not automatic though; He lets us choose whether we will follow Him or not.

PRAY: Thank God for sending Jesus to be your Avenger/Redeemer!  Thank Him for choosing you & loving you!

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