Love has no gender

Two women came to a photo studio to have their portrait taken. A very young and very naive assistant at the shop asked them, “Are you two sisters?” “No,” said one of the women. “We’re partners.” “Ohhhh …,” said the assistant. “So how long have you ladies been cops?”

Married or in a Relationship? You definitely need some space from your Partner

It's true that nobody wants to be lonely or cheated in all true relationships, but individual spaces are a necessity in marriages. Most married couples never realize they need some space from their better halves until they feel choked up at a point. Of course, everyone reacts when there's a back on the wall -- … Continue reading Married or in a Relationship? You definitely need some space from your Partner

4 Married Women Reveal Why They MUST Turn Off the Light Before Sex

A group of four beautiful women took off their clothes for photo shoots aimed at revealing scars and other parts of their bodies which they think aren't appealing. The ladies explained in detail why they'll never allow their partners see them naked. Image shows Lynsey, Collete, Laura and Reid. According to a report from The … Continue reading 4 Married Women Reveal Why They MUST Turn Off the Light Before Sex