Sample Statement of Purpose (SoP) for Electrical Engineering



The 21st century is certainly an era of information revolution; it is dynamically and purposefully driven by telecommunication which has evolved from analog to wireless 4G networks, among other incredible life-changing achievements and impact on our living standard, work and business processes, thought patterns and behavior, particularly in the way we socialize. The amazing development in science and technology enhanced our freedom of access to information anywhere and anytime, as well as redefined the concept of connectivity.

My fascination for science and technology, and keen interest in the fast-advancing field of Electrical Engineering, was evoked after I discovered the invaluable contributions which engineers offer to mankind. They are not only committed to serving the society and championing the welfare and progress of the majority, but continuously transforming nature and constantly increasing our awareness and control of the world. Engineering has saved mankind from superstition and bestowed upon us a clearer understanding of the universe to make life worth living.

I love engineering because I adore the way humanity has always sought to transcend barriers by learning, innovating and challenging existing technical and scientifc theories to change our own part of the universe. Although I enjoyed mathematics and physics in college, my elder brother (a professional electrical engineer) unknowingly evoked curiosity in me during his mini project. I was intrigued by the knowledge and skills at his disposal during that bot-making assignment after which I got inclined towards the electrical engineering field and later gained exposure to courses on Control Systems, Electromagnetic Field, Power Electronic, Electrical Measurements, Electronics, Linear Integrated Circuits, Pulse & Digital Circuits, Digital Signal Processing etc.

During my undergraduate studies at Savtribai Phule Pune University, Pune, I proved myself a self-motivated, focused and determined fast learner despite the financial and emotional obstacles I faced with my grandfather’s death. I am skilled in time-management and have the ability to effectively handle multiple tasks. My educational achievements include: an aggregate score of 49.82 and the successful completion of a project on Prepaid Meter Energy with Auto Theft Detection using GSM. I have an above-average knowledge of Microsoft Office Applications, PLC and SADA, as well as possess excellent interpersonal and language skills.

My belief is that every engineer has an inescapable duty to hold the prestige of this humble profession in high regard and ensure its effective execution. This is my objective with the master’s degree course at  Grenoble Institute of Technology, Grenoble, a school renowned for its academic excellence and max practical sessions.

With this higher-level research program in electrical engineering, I am sure to acquire the broad knowledge needed to make meaningful contributions toward developing this academic field, as well as gain a favorable disposition to compete at the global stage.

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