How too much ‘Sitting’ is the new ‘Cancer’


Health experts say “sitting is the new smoking,” and you’d be right to say “the new cancer.”

For even the smallest physical activity in a day, you may never know the extent to which you have reduced your chances of having a heart attack. That’s something you can definitely do to save yourself from an untimely death.

If you sit for a total of 6 hours in a day — either at work, school or home, you are not healthier than a chain-smoker who consumes a pack of cigarette daily, reports confirm.

Sitting idle for hours can increase the levels of cholesterol and fat in the body, and a likelihood of type-2 diabetes.

According to Tom Rath, the Author of a New York Times bestselling book, Eat Move Sleep, “Losing four hours of sleep is comparable to drinking a six-pack of beer.

“I don’t want to be in a serious meeting with a person who drank six beers or lost four hours of sleep.

“I don’t want my child’s teacher to be that person.

“I don’t want my doctor to be that person.

“Still, we don’t view the two scenarios (beer drinking and not sleeping) as equal. In fact, our culture views a person who needs sleep, as a person with a weakness.”

He continued: “…In fact, in the business world, many professionals take pride in burning the midnight oil.”

Dr. James Levine, director of the Mayo Clinic-Arizona State University Obesity Solutions Initiative, said in an interview with The New York Times about living a sedentary life, “Sitting is more dangerous than smoking, kills more people than HIV and is more treacherous than parachuting.

The health expert added: “We are sitting ourselves to death.”

What You Can Do To Save Yourself:

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