Even world-famous Usain Bolt can’t beat this record


Modern technology has its ups and downs, sometimes making life easy and at times, unleashing pain, anger and misery.

A traffic light at an intersection in southwest China’s Chongqing municipality is reported to have suffered an unreasonable setting, which only leaves two seconds for green light. Even the world’s fastest runner Usain Bolt can’t make it across in such a short time.

Pedestrians are seen crossing the road in a rush at the risk of their own safety. 

Sadly, the government failed to take a prompt action towards replacing the faulty machine. Citizens have criticized the lackadaisical attitude from the government office in charge of road maintenance.

It is not uncommon that man-made gadgets malfunction once in a while.

Citizens have been urged to be considerate of others while using the roads as selflessness and caution is required to ensure there are no casualties until normal traffic is restored.

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