You’re in this world for a reason, don’t die a coward

Anger is corrosive and will totally destroy the body, soul and spirit.

grayscale photography of crying woman
Photo by Kat Smith on

Bitterness hurts from within, too. It first destroys the vessel, and like a bomb, takes everything from you. There is no reason to kill for earthly possessions. Nothing compares to having peace of mind and a forgiving spirit.

When in love, learn to trust but keep your eyes wide open. If they don’t want you, they probably don’t deserve you.

When betrayed, let the tears roll but find your inner strength and move on. You’ll appreciate those that betrayed you later, for helping you rediscover yourself.

When angry, do not take drastic decisions or utter words you can’t take back.

When in pain, talk to someone who understands you and the situation, as well as others who have the positive answers you need.

If everyone is against you, things not working as planned, and your world crashing down on you, it could be the Litmus test you need to break through. You hold the key to your success and happiness. You have a responsibility to help yourself pull through–with a positive mindset and bold efforts. No matter how hard life is, fight hard and pray harder.

Love like today is your last, but trust in God. He’s a solid rock that never fails. Even in the darkest and most slippery path of your life, He will hold you up with His right hand.

You’re in this world for a reason, don’t die a coward.

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