The Bermuda Mystery May Have Been Uncovered.

For many years, the story of Bermuda triangle has been watched in movies and read in printed materials but the mystery remained unsolved. Theories abound as to what might be the mystic power behind all disastrous events at the Bermuda triangle located between Miami / Florida, the island of Bermuda, Puerto Rico and the Atlantic ocean. A total of about 8,127 people have disappeared in the Bermuda triangle. It is also called the Devil’s triangle.

The bermuda triangle

This section of the Atlantic Ocean is infamous for gulping numerous ships and aircrafts under unknown circumstances but scientists might be a bit closer to solving the mystery after discovering a series of craters.

The underwater craters on the Barents Sea is said to measure up to 800 meters (2,624 feet) wide and 45 meters (147 feet) deep. Scientific theories claim that these craters were formed by a build-up of methane in sediments on the sea floor.

They methane leaks and pop through the sea bed and into the water above, causing enormous gas blowouts”.

Surprisingly, the pits aren’t anywhere close to the Bermuda triangle. They are located off the coast of Norway but scientists think this events might hold a clue to solving the mystery of the triangle if facts are closely analysed.

Previously, researchers and experts have proposed theories as to whether gas blowouts could happen in the Bermuda Triangle. The answer is in the affirmative.

The explosions could cause the craters to open up and pose a risk to ships and boats travelling over them.


The scientist Yestov speculated that methane build-up makes the ocean heat up and that ships sink in its waters mixed with a huge proportion of gas.


 If the methane theory is correct, it could possibly account for the mysterious plane crashes and disappearance of many aircrafts yet to be located until this day.
According to Bermuda Attractions, a gas blowout could cause a plane flying above it to catch fire and get destroyed completely.

Because the coast of Norway is rich in natural gas, the findings at the Barents Sea are not surprising. The research also suggests that there may be more underwater craters below the Bermuda Triangle than what was previously thought.

Further details on the discovery will be released next month at the annual meeting of the European Geosciences Union, to be held in Vienna, Austria April 17 through 22.

One of the topics to be discussed will be whether methane gas explosions on the seabed could threaten the safety of ships. Scientists now have radar capable of giving them detailed images of the seabed showing areas of methane gas seepage around the world.

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