A Picture Of First Lady Michelle You’ll Hate To See.

Racism, sexism, violence, scandals, character assassination and outright hate are all part of politics everywhere in the world. Political campaigns for the 2016 presidential election in the U.S. isn’t any better than what is experienced in developing or underdeveloped countries.

Image: FLOTUS-First Lady Michelle Obama.

As people exchange their civility for barbarism on American soil –all in the name of politics–Donald Trump’s camp has suffered violence, too, far worse than any other political aspirant in the history of U.S. The Republican candidate’s Walk of Fame in Los Angeles has been defaced, urinated upon and have excreta thrown at it.

The man himself has also been made an object of ridicule after his nude painting went on sale for millions of dollars. Nude painting? Yes, the picture was made by a young lady who says the president has a very tiny penis.

Another artist named Ben Garrison has joined in the list of people who have neither respect nor hate for political leaders, presidential hopefuls included.

Ben is catching fun with his artistic skills while pointing accusing fingers on people, calling them unprintable names and gracefully undressing them of any good-nature underpants they might be wearing.

Though he has not specifically endorsed Trump, Ben recently made cartoons expressing his conservative views against Michelle Obama, Donald Trump, Serena Williams and a lot others. His latest art can be called something sexist and racist because that’s just what it is.

Garrison says the cartoon — which appeared on his website Grrrgraphics.com — meant to “express our outrage at the growing tyranny of Big Government.”

The drawing features U.S. First Lady Michelle Obama and Donald Trump’s wife, Melania Trump. Both women have a very wide gap between them in terms of personality, character and education. Therefore, comparing Michelle and Melania is an error intentionally committed to poke fun. It misses the mark in regard to addressing government tyranny and instead expresses racism, sexism and transantagonism.

Could Ben be saying that black women are held to a different standard of “greatness” than white women? His argument would be better understood if that was his point.

What do you think of this? 

The cartoon shows Michelle as a scowl as though she can’t ever smile, even Kanye West can do better than that. Why would Ben make the honorable first lady an “angry black woman” while Melania has the look of a classy babe?
And for Peter’s sake, why’s there a penis bulge?

Image: This is another painting from Ben showing the extent which he has taken his political attacks.

Well, it’s just right to say here that I have no personal problems with Donald Trump’s wife, I also do not mind the fact that she has posed nude for the cameras in the past. Melania is an immigrant in the United States (something Trump himself is not in agreement with, as his “build a wall”/ “Mexican immigrants are rapists” rhetoric makes it clear).

But Michelle Obama is an embodiment of civility which, to many, tends to be problematic. The First Lady is just too good. She is Ivy League-educated from both Princeton University and Harvard Law School.

First Lady Michelle is a happily married woman, a devoted mother, a chic dresser and respectable FLOTUS. It’s so sad that her qualifications and good nature can’t guarantee protection from men like Ben.

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